Monday, September 29, 2008

Or Perhaps a Past life

"The desire to run comes from deep within us - from the unconscious, the instinctive, the intuitive."


It rained buckets last night, and threatened more once I was up, so I took my miles to the gym and the treadmill. Over an hour, over 6 miles, hard to estimate how it stacks to a road loop, since the readings are based on other settings, etc. But it was probably a good idea, got that twitch in my right hip towards the end, and thought, well lesser miles maybe a good idea...

I hate the gym....(sorry, Golds)'s either TV, music blaring (not mine), people talking/shouting (the guy next to me had to holler out to everyone it seemed...), mirrors (yes, I know what those legs look like...), the readings on the control panel, and no where anything that corresponds to the run. Every time I run at the gym I am reminded all over again of why the run is an exciting, challenging and beautiful experience, OUTDOORS! I don't think it even rained this morning....but I was caught out on my long run Saturday, soaked with a mile or 2 left on that long loop. So with sinuses kicking up, I took the chance to avoid more rain...and got artificial running instead.

The impact of space/time and it's weird laws on our daily life has got to be impressive, and way beyond our comprehension. We may pick up pieces of a steady compulsion with origins esoteric to be sure. Whether we act on any impulse seems random at best. But once in a while something seems to descend on us like a mission, and we are taken up with purpose and passion. I like to imagine my many lives layering themselves in a fluid stream of influence. I'd like to think that just when I can't grasp a way forward, something bumps up from another plane of reality that nudges me safely on. It's wild to remember how much I wasn't a runner for so long, and how much I rely on it now to ground me through each permutation of myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I refuse to play inside no matter what the weather is like. Bring it on! Rain, heat or whatever!