Monday, January 30, 2012

The ING Miami (half) Marathon 1-29-12

We begin the day at 3:30AM when I wake up to throw on my clothes, make sure I've packed everything,  eat my PB and banana on sprouted tortilla and take off down the road.  No rain, very mild and humid temps. Not good for the uber-racers, but great for me!  I share the interstate with reckless late nighters racing home,  making the drive a little crrazy and find my way downtown where I swiftly get lost.  Staying with the strategy of "follow anyone who looks like they're heading the same way"  I luck out with a street lot just a few blocks from American Airlines arena and it turns out not far from Bayfront.   It is not even 5AM and the whole area looks like a street fair:  multi-colored runners of all shapes and sizes,  the starting corrals fenced and manned by buffalo-headed staff....which distinguished them from other event staff as the folks in charge of managing and starting each corral as it came up.
Interestingly, as an "I" and the last the go,  we were tucked right up by the start line and therefore the A's and B's etc...meaning we got to see the wheelchairs start first (always a thrill), then the elites, and everyone damn else!!  We stood and cheered for 45 minutes before it was our turn....!

     And somehow, being early and at the front of my corral,  I was able to see everything unfold including our turn to be 'herded'  in front of the start line...

and the beginning of the race- for us!  I'm off!

The skies had just begun to lighten....I was so stiff from standing in one spot, it was a shock to my system to be on the move,  negotiating space in the crushing crowds navigating our way onto the MacArthur causeway and probably the biggest hill of the race....I was no no awake, or even really conscious of doing anything but putting one foot in front of the other and trying not to trip over anyone....rewarded by the view of the cruise ships and water all around...
and since I waited so first (and only) porta-potty stop which took what felt like forever waiting in line with everyone else at the first water/AID station:
At this point,  it didn't feel like a race so much as a fight for resources:  water,  potty and space!  And I began to feel the contrast between my usually solitary and very inward experience...and the circus unfolding around me!  The competitor in me wanted to show off my training and abilities such as they are....I jump back on the roads and head out with everyone else into Miami beach.
We're about 3 or 4 miles in,  and my legs have begun to relax a little,  the crush of runners thins out enough to begin picking my way along,  and mostly I try to find a rhythm I can settle into while still enjoying the hubbub of onlookers and the slightly derelict magical air of Miami beach...passing the spot Yu, Mike, Claire and I sat having a snack...and curling around and onto the Venetian causeway pointing back towards downtown...
It was strange to deal with feelings like trying to keep pace with people who looked bigger, fatter, slower or otherwise handicapped:  the democracy of running is such that you never know who the uber-runner is!  And my competitive streak was often humbled by the realization that I was lucky to just keep on my feet and put an occasional burst of speed on just to keep up with the crowd!  I am deep in the midst of it now,  and there's no leisurely stopping and hanging out like I usually do!  The mile markers melted past the 7, 8, 9....and finally there was a 10!  and we are downtown at last...
I had to dig deep to find enough umph to weigh my relief that I had about 3 miles to go with my fatigue,  fighting with myself to make my 3 hour limit (self-imposed of course) while enjoying the sights and sounds...
pockets of great graffiti art....drummers drumming,  singers and bands singing...the Jesus people asking "Are you running with- or from- God?"
At 12 miles  people begin to cheer us on...oh its only a mile (+)....!  which began the longest mile of my life  (I say this every race) feeling as if that finish line would come up right around the next corner...or the next....until I can hear the music and shouting....coming into the chute...I give it one last blast and FINALLY!  I am over the line!  This pic is what runners look like walking AFTER we finish....waiting for water,  medals and for me to get the hell out of there!  Another lesson learned?  I am still not much for crowds....
I didn't mean for this to be such a 'wet t-shirt' look but its real....I was soaked in gatorade, water and sweat...and was eager to get home to a hot shower....Well organized by a phenomenal volunteer and public works staff....I grabbed a banana and bottle of water and thankfully hobbled out to find my car and out of the traffic....eager for silence,  a meal and a nice long nap.
In 2:56:45 minus that standing around for the potty,  I feel pretty good about this for an old girl....and happy to know I CAN...Regardless of times,  it was a great experience...congrats to ALL the runners, those who went for speed and the rest- like me- who go because we think it's FUN!! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Queen of Races

It gave me a great chuckle to hear the half-marathon called the Queen of races...not the approachable 10k,  nor the daunting full marathon,  the half is like a lover who extends the connection just beyond what you might think you can endure,  seducing you into Her rhythms and joy at completion.  In Her many incarnations in our lives,  the Great Mother is more than a pregnant vessel of creation.  She is Diana the Huntress,  the restless adventurer,  the Messenger, on her feet to open the way forward... and a fitting symbol for the great energy 25,000 people will bring to the start line on Sunday.

Whatever is the unifying element that compels runners to run,  it's basic nature seems rooted in our anthropological history.  We have always run to get from point a to be,  to hunt,  to courier news, and I'm sure some goods.   To run feels somehow natural...and yet the bells and whistles of the 'running industry' reflects the same opportunistic spirit as any other...we peruse the various booths and displays,  sampling plenty of free samples, and actually walked out with new shoes.  They're called Karhu, their from Finland,  and they have a "fulcrum" to help roll the foot forward.  Good,  I thought;  I'll need all the help I can get!

It's a risk to run a race in new shoes...and yet I like the idea of demarcation;  to begin something with this race, to discover just what it means to me now, at this period of life and to see if I can 'run down' a better idea of what might come.  I had some nostalgia today, heading out of Miami;  I used to call my Dad first thing after every race to tell him my time was a lovely little ritual I will miss....
for the first time,  I will carry not just his memory with me over the line as I did at MCM, but Mom's, Vitae's...Tom and Mike....when I run I feel I am making animate the spirit of love that is in me. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Last Long Beach Loop: Miami half, Here I come!

With great thanks to the Powers that Be which seems to have conspired to get me off my rear-end and put my name on that registration form after all....I am T-minus one week until the Miami half!  Having almost given up on this goal,  I've been pretty lax about any particular training, except that almost every Sunday for a while now,  I've done some version of my long beach loop.   Today,  waking up to beautiful, moderate but slightly coolish temps and clear skies,  I decided to do a close simulation in terms of distance and pace to see what happens.

I was pleased with the first miles which got me east to my first pit stop at Publix/Sheridan where I ditched the outer layer and had a nice long drink of water.  From there it was a straight haul up to Dania,  east to the beach and down Surf road to North Park (which marks about 7-8 miles total).  I did a pretty good job with the Intercoastal bridge, and kept it up on point into the Park.  Took my time regrouping, because I wanted to do the last half in one stretch.   Just as I topped the Sheridan bridge a dude with a bike waived me to stop!  Thinking,  what the....??  turns out a manatee was below!  The photo above does not show it but you can barely make out a brown 'bump' surfacing mid-frame;  it had taken a breath...and THAT was pretty cool...

Refreshed by the new nature tid-bit Great Mother gave me,  I headed west and picked up the usual side-streets,  working like mad to keep it up, crossing one major road, then the second,  and coming up into my neighborhood.  Ok, I walked the last bits...but I was so relieved to know that I had enough umph to carry this off...

The Universe has been telling me to take some risks...not the usual kamakaze stuff I've been known for,  but going where I can,  and pushing where I should.   Balancing out the need to regulate our lives with the thrill of our chosen goals is at the heART of life it seems.   My old paradigms are still getting blown by the opening of doors, windows and rooftops-  to let in the Big Wide River of World- within.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cold One: Long Run 1-15-12

I waited until the sun was up for a bit,  in a fruitless attempt to assuage the impact of temps reading under 50 degrees.  And while the uber runners out there,  (yes all you men particularly) will scoff, cold it my real challenge;  I didn't decide to stay in South Florida for nothin'!    Tights, underlayers,  outerlayers,  this time including a very light windbreaker to buffer between....gloves and headband for my ears...  and amazingly,  I shed the outer layers by the time I rounded up to Dania Beach and began the long slog south on Surf road. 

The photo captures the crystalline quality of light with a full on sun sparkling in the cold air!  It felt exhilarating as I caught a second wind and tried my strides heading into North Park.  I wasn't really committing myself to a long loop but willing to give it a try....inspired by the Olympic trials on Saturday and watching my hero Meb take the first finish in 2:09:10!

So I looped a little south at the Publix interchange and meandered my way through the neighborhood side-streets, eventually hitting water as I wound through a dead-end street and the broken fence of someone's small abandoned nursery, leading to Taft.   As usual, I walked the last mile or so and was grateful through the exhaustion to pull out a half-ish  (I believe it's just under 13 miles)  even though I have not loaded up big miles lately.  

Watching the Olympic trials is still exhilarating!   If they let the cameras linger long enough I can study the strides and footfalls;  it was no surprise to me to see Meb take it after I watched his beautiful, light cadence,  a quick dancing which looked as if his feet barely hit the ground,  with an upright, easy posture completely without stress (that anyone could see).   I remind myself that compared to many others, I am in excellent shape.  The ability to run a half-marathon distance no matter how slowly is no easy feat!  I may not be a Meb, or Shalane (Flanagan:  the women's winner),  but as a Rightbrainrunner  it is not the speed or distance which I'm after.  It is the sheer intrinsic love of going out and about on my own two feet, on a little expedition, an adventure, to see the wide open world. 

If you've never gone out for a walk or a jog for the sake of absorbing your natural surroundings,  you are missing one of the best, free means of 'plugging in'....Mother Nature will lay out her Mantra for you,  embedded in the folds of the clouds and the fluid sunlight.   All you have to do is show up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Long Run West: Sunday 1-8-12

The temps moderated to a pleasant 60ish as I headed out the door earlier,  the sun climbing above the line of thin clouds blocking the full glory of its warmth while I looped around the block to get my legs going and headed west on Park.   It has been so many weeks focusing on my easterly loop, it felt wonderful to cruise down this nice straight stretch as I tried to sort out dreams, impressions and emotions....none of which came very clear.

The mystery of my traveling aches and pains continues,  now feeling more soreness in my feet (is it time for new shoes...again!?) and doing spot checks on the usual hot spots such as ITB and flexors.  Nonetheless,  it felt so nice to have the sun, the mild temps that once I found a good rhythm I decided to wait and stop at John Williams park, then headed up over the turnpike to make my cut north to Stirling,  giving me 2 good overpasses.  If I gave myself a walk break now and then I could sustain some good distance and pace (for me)....feeling as the miles grew, greater comfort and ease.  

The greatest part of having an iphone which subs as music, weather report, miles run if I want it to, and yes phone is having the camera to capture whatever catches my eye as I go.  As an officially frustrated artist full of good ideas getting nowhere,  photography has become the quick and dirty means of visual expression.   It was coming in off another run this week, through the alley that I spied the bird-of-paradise sticking up by a fence;  clearly a volunteer- above.

My first week back at work and my first private (solo) client back on Saturdays gave me a boost of confidence in my unfolding professional life.  The structure of our lives as it  becomes built around our disciplines and responsibilities is always a good thing.   The run gives me both attention to discipline and freedom of mind:  a mental break from the pressures of people.   I accept these outcomes as the results of all these years of hard work to earn my place in the Marketplace...and feel so grateful that I have something meaningful to offer!!  As we go, we grow!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012, Opening the Way

While Florida copes with a brief cold spell (by our standards) to begin the New Year,  I am back in the swing of work and feeling my way into this mysterious 2012.  I took plenty of time during the holidays to reassess many things about my approach to goals and life in general;  and once more finding that age and experience is on my side, quieting the hormonal and emotional storms,  settling the impatience, frustrations and irritability,  putting my perspective on Big, Long processes which help me see my place in the Scheme of Things without stressing how it all turns out.

After a stretch of successful half-marathon-ish long runs,  I found my body complaining, aching, and felt full of fatigue.  I read an article recently about the guy who broke the Guinness record for Most Marathons completed in a year-  it was well over 100!!!  And he was 67!   It remains a complete mystery to me why some people have the ability to run ridiculous distances, or races and times and others like me struggle.  Transforming from schlubby little Jewish girl into 'athlete' has been a process which continues to reap enormous benefits and challenges.  I WANT to do Miami marathon morphing into  'maybe I can pull off the half'  is now becoming 'do I really want to race?...or am I just trying to revisit past glory?'

The same with professional and personal goals.  My former inner Control Freak would like to imagine the Power to make things conform to my will...I've been a big Will person....It was Will which took me from college drop-out and artist/hippie to achieve my educational and professional goals, and make a life here in the sunny south, to be here for my parents,  to continue serving my community.  Over the holidays I had a breakthrough about Flow and heeding my own 'Right Brain' advice:  to let things flow, develop,  coalesce, evolve- to heed the inner momentum of psychic activities which are finding their own way into my future:  my part in The Plan,  my piece of The Mother's Story.

So I enjoyed my cold runs this week.  It was tough and it always is, just to get going,  keep warm, sustain the effort.  But as usual,  there are those magical moments when it feels like I am about to take flight and my gait suddenly seems to ease into a rhythm of grace.  My mind open,  my body swinging freely from the vortex of my insides.  I might do that half.  I might skip it too.  Either way,  I resolve to employ 'radical acceptance' into my running, work and relationships.  Be Who You Are...and let the Pervasive and Healing Forces upon us take you where you are meant to be.  When we drop our resistance,  it's all miracles from here.