With great thanks to the Powers that Be which seems to have conspired to get me off my rear-end and put my name on that registration form after all....I am T-minus one week until the Miami half! Having almost given up on this goal, I've been pretty lax about any particular training, except that almost every Sunday for a while now, I've done some version of my long beach loop. Today, waking up to beautiful, moderate but slightly coolish temps and clear skies, I decided to do a close simulation in terms of distance and pace to see what happens.
I was pleased with the first miles which got me east to my first pit stop at Publix/Sheridan where I ditched the outer layer and had a nice long drink of water. From there it was a straight haul up to Dania, east to the beach and down Surf road to North Park (which marks about 7-8 miles total). I did a pretty good job with the Intercoastal bridge, and kept it up on point into the Park. Took my time regrouping, because I wanted to do the last half in one stretch. Just as I topped the Sheridan bridge a dude with a bike waived me to stop! Thinking, what the....?? turns out a manatee was below! The photo above does not show it but you can barely make out a brown 'bump' surfacing mid-frame; it had taken a breath...and THAT was pretty cool...
Refreshed by the new nature tid-bit Great Mother gave me, I headed west and picked up the usual side-streets, working like mad to keep it up, crossing one major road, then the second, and coming up into my neighborhood. Ok, I walked the last bits...but I was so relieved to know that I had enough umph to carry this off...
The Universe has been telling me to take some risks...not the usual kamakaze stuff I've been known for, but going where I can, and pushing where I should. Balancing out the need to regulate our lives with the thrill of our chosen goals is at the heART of life it seems. My old paradigms are still getting blown by the opening of doors, windows and rooftops- to let in the Big Wide River of World- within.
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