Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dark and Light

Since Daylight's savings time is still ahead, I am up and out before the dawn, and watch the moon, which has been full, hover over the landscape like an enormous pearl, while soft bands of muted color begin to slide into the sky. I have never been a 'morning' person. I was the nightowl, the artist who craved the solitude of late hours to hide away from everyone so I could create, listen to music and write. It still feels strange to my body to pry myself from sleep, since my deepest rest is those last hours, when I have finally settled down. It's odd to go from prone to running in 15 minutes; to try to ramp up my engines...sometimes many miles has to get covered before I am even loose enough to enjoy the ride.

Today I did the Griffin road loop, and was not keen on the amount of early traffic that seemed to be everywhere with kids getting to schools. Drag. But I like the bits of road that connect the major arteries for the chance to let my stride out. The part past the med. examiners is particularly nice; landscape to my left, finishing out through the funky little trailer park that rings a lake, and takes me down to Stirling.

I love these treks. I'm determined, each run now, to make it count. To use my mind as well as my body to focus on working past the discomforts, the complaints, the nervousness about my day. To let future worries go and stop consuming myself with the past. I love moving through it all until I have nothing left to give to the run. Then I love the feeling of deep rest that comes with a mighty effort, and giving myself to something that is not based on merit or performance. I completed. Today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To let future worries go and stop consuming myself with the past.

Living in "The Now". How many "Now Moments" do we steal from ourselves daily.