Saturday, September 20, 2008

Magic and Mindfulness, even with

"For me, running is a lifestyle and an art. I'm more interested in the magic of it than the mechanics."

-LORRAINE MOLLER, Four-time New Zealand Olympian

I stuck to my guns and did the Griffin loop this morning, hoping that 7 miles would set me up for the day ahead of more responsibility and obligations. I dreamt last night of another move and another renovatable place with a family (mine?) and out back some sort of pool or pond or body of water that had the characteristics of a hot spring, bubbling up in the middle. I remember late in the plot I took a dive into it and did not surface immediately no matter how much I swam up....for a brief moment I remember thinking, deeper than it looks, where's the surface? then broke the surface for air. oh yes, and where will the washer and dryer go? was another concern.....

So there is a need to focus on staying near the means to keep clean and clear. To trust that I will land where I need to be with what I need to get the job done. I fell this morning, tripping on the sidewalk while thinking too far ahead to whether I was stopping for water, and immediately knew I should have been focused on where I was in the moment. All week I have been just trying to make it through the mound of items on a to-do list that mysteriously grows even as I hack away at it. So there is no 'end' now. There needs to be as much magic and mindfulness as I can muster as I continue to feel the upswing in pressure and ride the wave of the times, which increase with their own multifaceting demands.

At least, on the run, the engine of motion is all mine. The feeling of control, especially with the last kick and the thrill of speed, is so necessary to balance the sense that so much is happening just out of our reach.

Thanks to Dave/Tx; I read the Little Book of Aloha throughout a training yesterday and practiced the blessing/breathing....I was glad I had it with me, and was able to remember that anywhere, anytime I can capture the Light and use it...


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your trip.I hope you didn't get any road rash! A lot of sidewalks have cracks of a half inch or more. i've tripped on them, as well as a nail left in by a crew that was laying a side walk, fronds, etc. Sometimes it is the home owners responsibility, or sometimes the city. The bottom line is we runners need to be careful, because we no matter who is responsible we don't want to bget hurt. Please be careful!


Right Brain Runner said...

thanks for your interest and concern. Sometimes no matter how careful you are, 'shit happens'.... How's your running going these days?