After a 2 day break, and much needed therapeutic and personal attention, I ran 10+ today feeling great. Sleeping and eating and resting allowed me to get up early enough today to start out with everything nice and cool and comfortable, heading west on Park to pick up the rhythm and using John Williams as my staging stop, for electrolyte boost and bathroom. It was coming in from the out of my outandback, on Charleston that I swung into rain showers, sparse enough to allow sunlight to flash through thready clouds meandering around the wide sky. Once heading back down 64th, the more opaque sky to the west lit with a strong double rainbow, low enough towards the ground to be distinct in all its colors, like a huge banner across the road, it's more ephemeral twin hugging the outline of it's curve. I had to turn my back on it heading east, but I imagined it swinging overhead like a suspension bridge to my dreams, where images of traveling and getting from place to place mirrored my trek.
I fell into my gait after that second stop. I took Thomas in one big stretch from end to end, and practiced pushing through just a little harder than comfortable to test the mettle of my 'core' endurance. There was still breezy wind in the air; and the sun, when popping out, felt enduring and warm. I came into the last corner and home nicely spent. And my fantasy breakfast, bowl of berries, yogurt, toasted flax bagel and peanut butter was minutes away.
The lasting blooms of Aunt Rose's orchid is a testament to eztraordinary powers and forces at work in their own rhythms and time. The rainbows which endure the clash of air masses, temps and terrain, and connect themselves nevertheless to invisible anchors to benefit the imagination of sentient folk... the surprising tenderness and care from loved ones, the acknowledgment of struggle, and compassion for mustering effort and staying the course.
We are full of signs and wonders. As we step out on the world, we blanket the path with hopeful intent. We throw our fears and worries before us to be stepped over as we gain our gait from training. Always increasing from that mark where we let off, are we ready to stretch a little further? Have we come all this way to be cautious?
The sky was not careful to hide its colors today, and the orchid, which spills it's blooms along 4 different spikes, has thrown caution to the wind. They tell me, and persuade me of the abundance of inspiration, and the artistry of the world for my greater pleasure. Bring the divine into the breath you breathe, and remember to look closely at all things. The pattern of completeness is there to be seen, inviting us into it's beautiful mind.
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