Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crazy 8's

-Deena Kastor and her Olympic team mates

The weather was clear, temps tolerable and the sun climbing through thin clouds at the horizon line, shooting the lower sky with threads of orange and red. I took the longer loop over the overpass, and headed west feeling tired. I kept dreaming, last night, about social events involving mysterious tickets, trysts to be etc. It was all swirling in my head the first 2-3 miles before I could kick out the cobwebs and begin to really focus on the run.

Those crazy 8's are just the thing, though, with their predictability and pattern, the tough beginning, finding the middle rhythm, and the last portion of gut and fluidity that brings me to the home stretch by the park. I see that photo of the women marathoners heading for Beijing with a rush of pride and admiration for the herculean effort I know is involved to bring them there. The network of support is one big part of what makes it all happen. But the biggest factor, by far, is surely the heart that goes into every run, every time.

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