Thursday, July 24, 2008

Compassionate Process

"The oldest wisdom in the world tells us we can consciously unite with the divine while in this body; for this man is really born. If he misses his destiny, Nature is not in a hurry; she will catch him up some day, and compel him to fulfill her secret purpose."

-Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)
Indian President and scholar

Yoga day, after 3 days straight running. Cutting back on carb calories has helped keep bloating down and I feel lean and strong. The yoga has a calming effect on me, and enables me to focus on the insides of things while letting my body ease into the positions. Unlike running where I need gritty determination to move through the gait, it's good to have a day to build on to that force. It feels good. I'm motivated to do the rest of the week's mileage starting tomorrow, then Saturday.

It's always tough to find the support I need. I am the support for so many others. So while the winds of emotional connection shift and change, it's good to know I have my own process firmly in place. Nature is never in a hurry, and fulfilling my purpose with Her is as simple as staying on my feet. She somehow always manages to take care of the rest.

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