After months of rain deficits, the heavens have opened with water, the rains thundering through the long afternoons and nights. I sit in my office and listen to the drops pounding on my window. I wade through parking lots to get to my car. As I came home last night, the evening sun had found its way through the cloud cover, and opened the spectrum of light into twin rainbows arching right over the building here. What a sight!! Dense blanket of gray clouds everywhere except where the shaft of light beamed out like a laser to produce the fragile bridge of colors....While on the news, they tell the story of coming out of Tim Russert's memorial service, having just heard 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' played, to see a rainbow in plain sight.
I used to dream of rainbows, the rainbow bridge. Of course Mello used this as her theme, as a way to describe the journey of the 'rainbow warriors' and their assigned colors of energy through the planes of experience and dimension. I love that it's nature's palette....and the brush of Her Hand reminding us of the presence of a Creator's vision through the continuous development of a Design we often can't see.
We catch small views, and call it 'reality'; when really, the Big Picture is so much greater than we can ever fully perceive.
Good to know She's willing to give us a glimpse, now and then!
Ran the treadmill at the gym today, 5 miles, steady pace and continuous- an hour. I hate being indoors to run. It takes away everything I love about movement, and feeling connected to the world. However, I prefer staying dry and focusing on form to fighting the wetness and damp. I'll take it however I can, and practice the art of adaptation.
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