Friday, June 13, 2008

The Flow

Whether it's a torrent, a whirlwind, parched and dry or oppressively dark, the contexts of the times keep changing, and the events right with them. The move that was supposed to dismantle my unit at work and reassign us all has been "post phoned"...until further discussion by the powers that be (little letters...etc)...and after internalizing the stress of the stop/go/stop/go realize today, I need to get into the flow.

Did not run yesterday, today. Went through the yoga series instead, and felt it helping my inner focus and control. It's high 80's, low 90's today, I'll try going long tomorrow morning and see how it feels.

It's tenuous times. The world wants to split apart to let the light in. Whether we cry, or stumble or just fall down in the middle of it all the force of the tides will continue to ebb and flow around us. I am as unstable as my core. If I imagine myself rooted into the center of things, the earth, the universal Source, then I can feel how much easier it is to navigage change.

Going on while going through, and with the flow.

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