Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stranger Things Have Happened

You may be feeling like you are pulled in two directions today. Waves of excitement and concern may come and go throughout the day and it's important not to become too attached to either extreme. Rest assured that stability will return if you can learn to accept the paradox of your opposing reactions to what's happening in your life.

Aries horoscope for November 8, 2008

Yoga day, after putting the finishing touches on my paperwork for class. I did not run today, not yet, anyway, deciding it may be wise to put extra effort into tomorrow's run for World Run Day, and give myself a needed break. I continue to push the limits, I know; and I need to use caution in assessing my strengths and weaknesses.

In the aftermath of unexpected reconnection, I realize I need to apply the same thing. Be wise, be prescient, be willing to let go of preconceptions, attachments to outcomes or fear of either success or failure. The glow of accomplishment seems to be nothing but more progress, we we continue to establish some kind of track record in the era of speedy change.


William M. Irwin said...

I'm curious about how much you credit yoga with helping you in your running. In my own tight schedule, I've found that there are some yoga classes I could take. I know nothing about yoga, except that it involves special breathing, body movements, and has a spiritual component (so I'm looking at it clearly from the outside). How has yoga changed your life for the better? If I did take a beginner's class, what should I look forward to at the start?

Right Brain Runner said...

Hi, yes, yoga is pretty great....I'm not by any means a true 'student'; like everything in my training, I pick and choose intuitively. But I have been doing some form of yoga for some time. Lately, I have a particular CD for 'the core' that I credit with helping give me strength in my back, abs and shoulders, as well as improved balance and flexibility. The focus on breathing is good for runners. And the spirituality, of tuning in to the energy of the body is exactly what I feel running. If you have any yoga offered for beginners, nothing fancy, I would do will always find, as you go, things you feel more attuned to for trying. And ask people. Especially other runners in your area. thanks for reading the blog!!