Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Circles of Light

"A race is a work of art that people can look at and be affected by in as many ways as they're capable of understanding."


Registration fees for Miami increase again on the 11th, so I'm giving myself until then to decide about doing the full or half. My cold is persistent, but I was determined to run today; out the door was cool and clear, but by the time I got out on the Arthur stretch, an ominous bank of clouds, separating out a front of gusty rain, came open on my head. The wind was so strong I had to run backwards for a bit before deciding to head back. I still managed about an hour out, but it was so cold, chilly and wet, it was a miserable dash to get back inside.

Surprisingly, everything felt ok; limbs, and gait were solid, and I think I could have pulled out a 7-8 miler. I know pushing it will not be smart in the long term...so I give myself this week to let inspiration come.

Driving home from work last night, the amazing star show was clearly visible around the moon...Jupiter and Venus...guarding the crescent and creating luminous circles of light. In Mumbai, they lit hundreds of candles for the dead. Potent fields of energy focus on the transition from life and the safe journey for many souls. We are always traversing the divide between things. And so we seem to require prayers to follow us on our way. The Light we burn within is enough to keep warm, but it's augmented thousands fold with the love of our brothers and sisters. Whether I run a lot or a little, the road is still the road. There are dreams enough to take me up in a rapture of light.

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