Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Shoes

After cooped up all weekend in class, sitting sitting sitting....after hours of talk (albeit interesting...) and attention to detail for everything to get done...I took my new Brooks out for their maiden run.

What a joy!!! I've been an Asics girl forever- until Friday when on a whim I stopped at Runner's Depot on the way to class, and met the 'future me'...a woman with curly gray hair who has run a dozen marathons and was about to run the 50 miler up north...which she hoped to do in about 12 hours. She was selling the shoes; and she turned me on to the Brooks (she was wearing a pair). I kept getting an eerie sense of pre-ja vue....and decided it was all meant to be. And was it! I did an out and back, and took the last part on Park with ease, increasing the length of my stride to work out the kinks in my legs. What a tremendous feeling of comfort. How long will it last in these? Can I make it until January, then one last new pair before the marathon? Good investment for mind and body. And oh yea, a boost to my Spirit as well!

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