Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hard Rain

It didn't look that bad, before dawn, low, horizon-hugging clouds, obscuring early light, dark, mysterious, grim. The air was too heavy. Over and under the interstate looping west by the time the sky, shifting south to north, brought the rain....softly, hungrily, and by the time I turn at 58th, more steadily. Tucking in for the ride, I am only halfway through, and rounding east again brings greater intensity. I am soaked; lightening and thunder is crashing to my left, every block seems to turn the tap up and up.....I confess I tried to bum a ride, without luck. The crashing booms began to unsettle me, but there was nothing I could do but keep a steady pace to make it home.

When it comes down to each few feet, and there is no visibility, when the very atmosphere feels like it's swallowing me up, there is a strange release from disciplined form or effort. It's a surreal trek into old trails towards unknown takes me out of the present and into strange parallel worlds. So I may have been soaked through and exhausted, but it was adventurous and wild.

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