Friday, May 22, 2009


Giving of ourselves is how we connect to God. When we get past the what's-in-it-for-me mindset, we invite clarity, peace, success and joy — and all the Creator's attributes — to flood our being.

Today, share with no expectations.
- Daily Kabbalah

Giving to myself, my training, my time for the long 'to do' list, and giving to the family matters, friends and loved ones takes perspective and balance. I'm working on this problem in training, with the strange disconnect I have with my feet; difficulty sensing my gait and footfalls, with all the inherent problems gaining confidence in my stride. I have my theories on this, as I work the Chi from top, to bottom. Grounding, balance, the harmony of halves, the synchronicity, entrainment of hemispheres, all this is part of the smooth operation of the physical and psychical bodies.

Today, as I muster the nerve to continue the process of transiting the old folks, I look at the principle of balance and how I can give, without depleting myself.

As the road unfolds, it has no end. Not unless I quit.

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