Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Long Goodbyes

It's feeling impossible to get any kind of rhythm back to running. One day seems ok. Another and my feet are full of lead. The heaviness in my heart has outweighed the fortitude of my commitment to train, and I'm trying to be alright with that, give myself time, give it time to settle.

My Dad would want me to persevere. As CeeCee said, he was always in his own way my biggest supporter, believing in my strange (to him) inclinations, aspirations and qualities that, like him, kept me on my path even when I wanted to quit.

I can't believe still he has left us behind. In the race that is life, I hope and pray he prepares the way; my Mom is not far behind. And I, left with my love, will hold the vision always of his best self.

Love you, Dad. Please, rest in peace. We got it.

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