Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where is Bliss?

The full force of Aries energy has been upon me, up for hours trying to sleep while the range of projects, ideas, visions, realizations keeps coming. The intensity of work, the caseload, and the peripherals goes on and on .... and on. I didn't run today, and it sucked. On the road, after mile 2, 3 I naturally acquire the emptying of anxiety that brings me to a relaxed and natural state. We are hunters- we are runners. There is something ancient in the power of the run. The action of atmosphere shapes the mood while motion takes us up in a long arc of searching....

Where is bliss? In the second before the foot falls, and I am weightless. In the moment before sleep when all my worries are gone. In the love the Universe holds for me whether I know it, or not.

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