Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I can see that moving the time I head out in the morning earlier will be to my advantage; the heat has come to south Florida, mixed with the unstable spring pattern of wind, spotty storms, occasional clouds. Today, on a 7ish loop out Arthur and up 58th, I imagined random aspects of the next 5-6 months...ramping up, cresting at a 50+ mpw mark and tapering into October. I keep wondering how the uber-runners find time to log 100+ mpw....are they just so much faster that a 20 miler is the same as my 7? I need to give myself time. I am willing to do whatever it takes to put myself out there to complete 8,9,10 milers during the week even if it means starting out before the dawn. It's good for my head.

Today there were competing threads of personal and transpersonal themes, while I settle out the priorities in my own life and sync back with the ever present impetus from the Big Picture. We will not escape the changes, no matter where we are- I see that now. The time we borrow against the future better be spent strengthening our spiritual connection, and not the petty dogmas of men and institutions, the control freaks. The greater my own level of involvement the more I see the need for freedom in my every action; the ability to direct myself, support myself and manage my many complex areas of 'work'. Keeping vigilance against vampiric souls, redirecting the desperate and unstable, and building my Shield of protection...I can see how critical this is.

I have opened myself like a flower. Now I need to hone myself like a sharpened tool, a chisel, knife, sword. I need to use myself towards the carving of future possibilities and potentials which need me to reveal themselves. We are instruments of change. Not everything that wants to manifest is our highest good. We can discriminate; we choose. Meanwhile, the Spirit chooses us. The motion of my gait runs me. I am cruising down the road, and I feel strong.

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