Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Celestial Soul Run

Tom Kenyon, of the Hathors meditations, put out a nice little meditation/teaching on the 23rd Psalm "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want...." after the world meditation in April in which Light workers continued to 'anchor' the connection from the universal and central galaxy centers. And thank-you for free download...! Loaded onto my ipod, I can now run while meditating on this amazing piece. How was it ancient Hebrews, linked to the Hermetic and Essene elders in the middle east found a voice for a process so arcane, so esoteric that it had to be hid in the desert??

Today, despite trouble sleeping, I was anxious and eager to get outside at 7AM. The weather has been full of winds- buffeting, blustering, badgering. Somehow, today, everything seemed to mellow into a beautiful mix of spring freshness; warm but not too, wind-swept but not ridiculous. Each day this weekend I ran into that stiff wind, which, as in hill training, strengthens like crazy all the muscles of the legs, back, core. You fight for every step making endurance rock solid. Today, the Griffin loop felt almost light and effortless, even as I felt the wind in my face rounding out on Emerald Hills drive.

As the meditation kicked in, I found myself floating on that wheel of energy that sometimes encapsulates my gait, the fluidity of energy steady, strong, the blending of me into wind, atmosphere, sunlight, seamless. I took that stretch until the next right turn with a perfect balance of effort. I wanted it to last forever, sure that it could, if only the world would not intrude.

The resistance of clients, of institutions, of the world to change is what it takes to build strength and endurance. In the face of their denial, my own belief and certainty becomes even more clear. The wind may pick me as an easy mark, thinking I will go down quickly, but surprise when you find me smiling in the face of the adversity that others call despair. I say, where's the message from my Loved One, my soul, who speaks to me through the challenges all around, asking for my attention, compassion, fortitude. I hear the voices of fear calling for reassurance. It will be alright, I know. My own Celestial Soul has held me in its grip a very long time. In the comfort of dark and lonely nights it has never abandoned my cause of My Self. It has tirelessly waited for the alchemy of change, in the crucible of time, to make the difference. It kisses me on the run and says, yes, yes you can do it. Keep moving, keep grooving. The rest is on Us......

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