Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Caught in the Rain

I really didn't care what the weather had in store, I needed to get out on the road. As I cruised over the railroad lines, I could see the fates were set to test me; a low bank of gray clouds clung to the horizon blocking the dawn sun. Everything began to coalesce east and south of me as I ran ahead of a front, and felt the pushing winds develop at my back. I made it all the way to Griffin and Publix before it let loose...and stood way too long wondering when to head back out as it rained, and rained and rained....

I realize at odd times just how claustrophobic I can get. Before long a Brinks truck, a vacuum truck (to suck up what exactly?), and a knot of trapped shoppers crowded me under the store eaves. It wasn't looking good as I thought out my options. Go back the way I came to cut down Park, or continue west and cut through Emerald Hills, shaving a few miles off the 10-er I planned. I took a Publix shopping bag and ripped it open over my head, giving me enough cover on my core to keep the worst of the windy rain off. And with that, I slipped out and headed into the rain...

There is something surreal and comforting about running in rainy weather. The shock of nature closing in with its relentless elemental presence pushes me inward, and yet every sense needs to be focused on the road, puddles, sidewalk formations, rocks...everything that can trip up a runner that gets hidden in standing puddles of water. The cars sounded too loud. The effort to stay dry (especially my feet) abandoned. Once I rounded the corner at Emerald I was feeling amazingly relaxed. As I've been doing, I pictured running in DC and pretended this was fall weather. I felt my legs open up to the sudden decrease in traffic and quieting roads. The rhythm felt good. My shoes, though soaked, were not pooling water, so they were doing their job well. My spirits, which were crushed at the initial onslaught of rain settled down as the storm tapered off into drizzly patches, keeping me cool for the last push.

I know I wanted to cry; the frustrations and sorrow were there. But maybe the rain did it for me. As I came home along the park, I felt tired and serene. It was a big push that felt farther and longer, but just enough to get me away from the pressures of home. I run to find solace and peace. And so far, it has never let me down.

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