Giving myself a day of rest, after 2 brutal long days over the weekend was a smart call, though I'm not sure it was rest enough. But running is not just for my body; its for my mind, my soul, so there is no stopping my need to be out. One day away is about my limit. Cooped up at the office all day, it's all I can do to follow the thread of my feeling into the next morning, and the next run, while I sit, and type and talk and feel myself pretzel up into mild contortions. The worst part of a therapist's job? The endless sitting.
So today, after a deep sleep, it was back to the streets and a 7ish loop up and over the interstate and along Arthur until cutting up 56th and back on Thomas. I can feel the creaking and cramping from that Saturday push. Felt a few bad cramps in my right calf and thigh, the 'bad' leg. But up along Arthur, I had a stretch of lightness and ease and it felt GREAT to be flying with the wind. The loop back on Thomas put the wind in my face, however, so it was 2-3 miles of pushing. After a while you just find yourself leaning into it and slowing down until you find the right gait. It's exhausting, but it sure does build strength. And I need to get strong again if I'm going to build some mileage.
The image is a Mayan symbol. I've had 2012 on my mind, as I begin to come up on my birthday. The Aries in me if full of the spirit of change and transition, and the deep unrest of the season. I don't know from one moment to the next if I'm depressed or just waiting for something. The mood of the times has yet to unlock its secrets. I can't help feeling I am privy to something, however, if I can just stretch myself out into the atmosphere far enough. I think sometimes it's why I need to go the distances....once I am far enough away I can begin to feel something other than my own constricted role in life. And then the Big Picture can emerge.
1 comment:
It must be very rewarding to be a therapist and help other people improve their lives. There must be some pressure to meet the numbers, with all the charts and graphs these days.
And there must be cases that are unpleasant.
Sorry, I don't want to remind you of Work!!
I like to think I am making a contribution in the work I do also, but to the environment. It's an easy job, much less stress than my previous 20+ yr job.
I probably make it more stressfull than it needs to be.
Talking about Running, and your right leg,I am right handed and I guess I'm right legged too! I went to a orthopedic surgeon last month about back issues, and during this time period I realised that all of the injuries I'd had in 17 years of running had been on my right side! (including the back issues I was there for!)
He made Various measurements on my legs and found that my right thigh was 1" bigger around than my left.
He didn't think that this had anything to do with running, but he wasn't a runner, so didn't appreciate what we go through.
I've started to place a very slight emphasis on my left leg to maybe build it up. The clutch in my manual shift car may help,
with all the traffic I have to deal with! Ha! Isn't the right side of you're body controlled be the left side of the brain?
As Cynthia Barnard says in the SF Running Forum, Run For Fun! ( I have too much of a competetive spirit to do that all the time!)
I'm a Scorpio, which guys are proud of, though I'm a skeptic.
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