Four days off running is as long as I've gone in a long while. In between the shopping and preparations for Isaac, which became a somewhat minor event for us in SoFlo (unless it was your neighborhood that flooded), I managed to find some of that remarkable quiet time where 'tuning in' to the external world became a contrasting mirror to the internal. Since I couldn't move in my usual way, I became still. Weather news, yes, cooking and prepping yes. But sans all input, it was a loss of control from my 'fix' and a lovely break into my own space.
Today, I ventured out for a Griffin loop, willing my legs to go forward. Despite mini-tramp, yoga and weights (my off-road routine), I had stiffness that only began to lift, as usual about half-way up 35th- trying to find that sync in my gait, looking for the weightlessness as I lift my feet, with surprisingly decent endurance over all. Loose debris and standing water is everywhere. The water birds are having a feast on bugs, and some of the younger trees did not withstand the winds (neither did my porch).
The big skies are still filled with the wheeling remnants of clouds as Isaac slowly grows stronger in the Gulf. Seven years ago now Katrina clobbered us before devastating New Orleans area. It is a strange 'deva ju' all over again to hear the updates from LA, while the RNC toughs it out in Tampa.
Earthquake swarms and the changes underway can create emotional and physical instability, if we lose our Connection, or a grasp of the tools which work for us. That run today helped me reinforce my body's presence on the planet in as fundamental way I know, in the fluid, flexible motion, to the rhythm of the tunes in my ear, with the matrix of my mind let loose in all its Right Brain glory....taking it all in, enjoying the scenery, and the ride.
There are times when you might wake up to a world you barely grasp, as it careens ever closer to the fundamental Shift we sense. Think of it as your Blank Canvas, and create the day, the experience, the dream closest to your heart. Underneath the mantel of imposed fear, tap the true excitement of your Self, coming ever closer to what, and Who you really are.
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