Thursday, August 9, 2012

Through the Lion's Gate, a gentle run

If vibratory forces are the factor behind how we perceive the world (and ourselves),  the gist of the 8:8 portal appears to be in place.   As I stepped out the door,  this is the sky I see....despite the high temps,  the air has a feeling of lightness (as in weight) and Light-ness as in a crystalline quality that shines like diamonds.  I began an out and back loop aware that my body seemed mired in a gravitational muck that belied this beautiful clarity, and after a bit of a 'humfph!' I got over myself, tuned into some good music and relaxed into a slow gait.  My legs would not obey my desire to go any faster than what probably looked like a fast walk, I could barely pick up my feet.  All the while I was drawn into the skies, the sunlight, as if everything had a new shimmer to it- the cat crossing the road,  the palms at the walkways....nothing seemed as if was, and yet it was all the same.
Once I hit my water-stop,  I meandered towards hiome,  and slipped into the back alleys where I could spy out the beautiful mess of the backyards and their curious array of all things natural and human.   Once again,  stopped in my tracks with the beauty of a bougainvillea climbing all the way up a telephone pole, awash in morning light!  I have walked this alley many times;  it was as if I had never seen this before!
Mother Nature is changing and we are in transformation with Her,  for Her,  and our perception of Her is the affirmation of Her connection to and within us.   With every moment of being in the external Garden acknowledged, the immense internal landscape of our bodies resonates....and spins a little faster in delight! What sings to us is the deep instinct that beauty is our natural expression, which seeks to find itself mirrored in the world-  if we would only look.  And see.

Today,  as you scurry through your timetable of obligations and practices,  of work and home,  take a minute to look around you and SEE ....  Mother Gaia wants to show you who She really is,  as if looking in the mirror at the REAL YOU.   We hold the key.  We can open the door. 

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