Monday, August 20, 2012

Manifesting my Inner Runner

While Mother Gaia blankets us with hot and humid tropical air,  and my schedule remains ramped up into high gear,  I am managing to get some miles out there,  an out and back on Saturday and a decent long Griffin loop for my Sunday long run.   The chronic 'approach/avoidance' matrix I've applied to my running routine feels like it's softening into another mode, one in which I take my Expanded Self out into that same experience-  with different results.

I noticed it most yesterday,  as I took the overpass and began my lope up 29th, and made the hook into Anglers and Ravenswood;  already the temps and humidity were a formidable force.   Even in these early miles I would come into those mysterious stretches when an inner rhythm was able to overtake me and for a fartlek or so,  the motion would take me up in the swing of my footsteps, as if I had no weight at all.   Again,  swooshing down 35th,  I set up a nice gait.  And despite all the elemental features to the morning,  dropped down onto Stirling feeling like I'd been in flight,  catching air under my arms and seeing things from a higher perspective.  

Somewhere along the way I have reconnected with the true power of my inner runner.   The alchemy of male/female energies,  or left/right brain capacities creates the vortex for moving change.   Between the manifestation of my Work and the 'training' on many levels which continues to ramp up and express itself,  the Powers that Be are grooming us all for our roles in the coming New World.

It takes integration of our opposites;  the alchemical marriage of shadow and light-  our ability to see beyond the duality of our normally limited ego to sense the higher path of this it works its way through our belief systems.  Once awakened however,  how can you go back to the same poor choices, or accept your limits ever again?   We are made to come into a beautiful union with our Selves and step out onto whatever road calls.   When the rhythm is right,  flying high is the reality that supports us as we extend our reach towards each other and the potential of our shared path.   So muster your courage today and step out where you've been hesitating.  Feel the full power of your Expanded Self take you where you dream to go, and dream big!!  The only way to find out what's out there, is to GO!

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