It doesn't take much to realize how little freedom there is in this world, including our own home country, and how dearly we pay for whatever freedom we allow to slip away; Ai Wei Wei is my reminder of that. An internationally recognized artist who designed China'a "birds nest" for the Olympics, it would be fair to say he was unquestionably overly confident of his ability to speak Truth to the Powers that Be in China. He paid for it by his recent detention and ongoing house arrest. Despite recognition by other celebs, including Bianca Jagger's plan to award him through her human rights foundation, Ai Wei Wei is imprisoned- in his own home now- for his expression of private thoughts.
On this week's long run, which is miraculously on schedule for my marathon training plan in case I decide "YES" for Miami, I had the Occupy movement on my mind. For all of us oldster hippies who formed the ranks of protest and activism in the past, the current movement feels like deja vu all over again. Creativity forms the basis of the collectivism, the expression of personal stories and the performance art of those on the streets making their points. Add a healthy dose of drums, chants and the level of techno expertise, and we (the 99%) are communicating in a big way.
It may be true that, as some righties say, we still have it better than many places on earth. True, that. However, the Forces of Oppression find their means in all nations and classes, forcing the dogma of acceptable and 'legal' behavior and action, suppressing the means to express free thought. We are careful now to nuance ourselves in the public arena for fear of more losses; of jobs, prospects, power and control. The Occupiers, like Ai, are facing pressures from political and police forces. Can we stay our course and keep our banners flying? Can we Occupy Freedom anywhere, anytime?
The core reason for running, for me, is absolute freedome of movement. No one can tell me "I can" or "I cannot"...with one foot in front of the other, at my own time, pace and distance. The feeling of ultimate control of my body/myself is a symbolic boost to my inner space, where I inhabit as free a spirit as I can! The run reminds me of who I am apart from any job title or obligation; the run is my chance to feel the link between inner freedom and flying off the pavement on a good stretch, embracing the wide skies.
There are many (too many) who cannot feel any of this today. And for them, I pray, I hope- and I run.
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