The turn of the seasonal year brings a renewed attention to All Things Nature, including this year's full moon which caught my eye over my left shoulder as I drove home from work last night. Despite crippling heat and humidity, something about the lift of light through the hazy atmosphere brought a glint into the skies, as the liquid glow spilled over onto the cloud formations on the evening skies.
This morning, despite intermittent showers, I headed out to see at the east the kaleidoscopic layers of light and clouds- blue and white ribbons of sky and clouds overlayed perennially by a patterned light and color show- the like of which I've never seen! The atmosphere so thick with moisture, there was no rain, just a persistent kind of drizzle that gave me that Florida feeling of being in a water-based world. I am soon soaked, but run on my modest loop, expectations in check.
The balance points on the Great Wheel are an opportunity to breathe into that delicate space when the very weight of time Herself is poised, like a dancer on a tightrope, a runner in mid-stride. Between the chronic effort to maintain, achieve and accomplish, to push through every obstacle and challenge in our path, there is that still point, an awareness of ultimate Beauty. I have always been grateful for this inner eye that allows the artist to me to perceive this layer of intrinsic energy; the informing of the formless with the creative brush of a Bigger Hand. It is the saving grace for any of us willing to stop even momentarily to look up, look within and acknowledge that which spreads itself before us, for our own delight and awakening.
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