Too comfy for her own good, Claire needed some persuasion to come into this world. Once arrived, she proves her impact with sheer size (9#5oz!!) and her gentle influence on everyone, especially proud Papa!! Born 9-10, I spent Saturday seeing clients and periodically checking in with the new family. Just before I left that morning, I pulled out my back reaching for the coffee pot; a maneuver I haven't fallen prey to in some years. So between video cam and resting on the heating pad, I hoped to rest up for a long run Sunday.
Even if the temps have not really moderated, there is the slightest dip in the early morning hour around dawn. So with expectations appropriately low I set out on a walk just to loosen up and vowed to do nothing that didn't feel ok. My ipod is on the fritz again (this is number umpteen million...hey Apple, why is your technology so damn problematic on the low end of the price scale??) so I went sans music and instead soaked up the gentle sounds of almost nothing except early bird chatter. Music is the means of keeping me on a pace, within a beat and disconnected from discomfort. Without it, I'm forced to really follow my form, my comfort level and most of all my inner mind. Needless to say, much of my thinking was focused on Claire.
When I saw my mother yesterday I took pictures. We made verbal lists of her grandchildren and greatgrands to remind her of everyone. Claire is greatgrandchild #4 and takes her place with numbers 2 on of the family members who came into this world after my Dad left it. It's been poignant beyond words to think about him and how much he would have LOVED being part of Michael's journey into papahood; the illustration of grandparenting bonds: my dad was close with many of his grandchildren.
And though Mom recognized and clearly appreciated the news, her focus is limited. There would be no bursting announcements through the condo doors; no celebrating. Suddenly I realized, the generations have truly shifted and I am taking my place among the elders. Sad, this passing of the torch. Happy too, because we are a new generation of crones us grandmothers, and we come to this as Warriors of our own life, able to instill our strength and drive into the march of the generations coming.
I join many of my friends and family members into this exclusive club. I completed that long run thinking about the time around Michael's own birth and how 30 years has gone by since the time a young, idealistic but ill-equipped gal gave over to the birth of a new life that catapulted me into all kinds of unforeseen directions. What the 'road' has given me now is a predictability and stability that has grounded me in my ever-present quest for meaning and cosmic connection. The run is now my link to my path, and my present commitment to be mindful of the process of Life unfolding. And in my new role I can link to the newest voice in the family as she asserts herself into the Fabric of our unfolding.
So welcome, Claire Ellyn to this big beautiful world. Grandma is looking forward to traveling a few roads of our own!
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