Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Path of Nature

'Process' is a word relevant for anything in context of systems, forces and intent.  We use it in counseling, training and so many other physical and mental tasks.  My process has been full of challenges, and without challenge there would be no forward Nature shows us...

After 2 days of yoga I was back out this AM in a blessedly cooler atmosphere, which even down here in the southern tip of the US notes the change of seasons, albeit with extreme subtlety.  While folks up north prepare to celebrate the Equinox,  full of cool nights and slowly changing colors, we are still hampered by record heat (90's in the day).  Running has been a slog all summer.  Today it was a better haul from my start point, thru my park break and on up the Stirling loop to my major stop on Griffin.  I took that stretch nicely;  proving that a few days off with the yoga did me some good.  My expectations for the week are low.  This gives me the excuse to say "its a low mileage week", backing off, resting and hopefully gearing back up in sync with the season.

Nature is very much on my mind.  WE are nature, the stuff of stars, dust and DNA.  Try as we do to 'control' and 'master' the mighty forces which inform us,  She has a Mind of Her own.  Her agenda, to perpetuate her intricate patterns of Life, are in some ways as dispassionate as the sun which shines on us all.  On the other hand, I'd like to think I can crawl into Her wide mind and curl into her heart.  Only there does the wisdom of process become a part of my breathing, and my being can be at peace.

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