Sunday, January 31, 2010

In Homage to Miami

The Miami marathon was run today, with temps that would make any long distance runner happy- overcast, cool breezes...with that surreal sense of feeling outside of time, making a run like a journey into a dream...
I went out for a 10 miler, the big Griffin loop, cutting down 40th and a beautiful empty long stretch. Despite all the usual stiffness, I felt pretty buoyant, hitting a nice stride by the time I got down to Thomas and the last straight away to home.
I'm averaging about 25 miles a week now, and feeling more comfortable. I can see how increasing the long runs, on lazy days when I have no other pressures for time, will give me the outlet I need to disappear into the neighborhoods. There would be no possibility of building any good arrangement of schedules without running; and even the thought of allowing it to fade into the background is not an option. I look at new shoe guides, mags, articles, follow the rock star runners just as much. My vision of myself as 'uber runner' may not turn out quite as I thought- or who knows, maybe just not anytime soon; but my vision of myself as lifelong runner feels sound. I take myself out for these mini-expeditions and discover the world all over again. Each new horizon, each design of landscape, every atmospheric change takes me to a new place, and frees up the forms that get stuck into predictable shapes from the week of conforming and confirming everyone else's expectations.
I am the out-lander, coming through. Wishing you were here, in my head, running with me.

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