Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hope and Hard Work

While our Prez speaks at a church in DC for MLK day coming, my thoughts weave around the NPR story I heard about Dr. King's "pilgrimage" to Gandhi's family in India, the deep roots of the civil rights movement in non-violent change, and the enormous challenges upon so many to be lifted from the pressures of catastrophe both big and small. Getting everyone Creating unity in all our recovery efforts is difficult; even in my own family, the fractious contention from lack of understanding and communication is an ongoing factor.

Planet earth; how do so many stories develop simultaneously out of the dust and dirt of the stars? How are so many different peoples set upon the same surface facing so many different challenges? Who was slave, master, revolutionary, artist, fear-monger, power-broker? Who were the agents of change who sacrificed personal happiness for the work of the poor, the dispossessed, the sick and dying?

Today, I took myself out on the Griffin loop back over to 40th, which I haven't seen much of since the marathon....putting together probably about 6-7 miles, I am fighting the obstinate set of my legs even as I try to coax them into action. The good stretch, after my pit stop at Publix, came as I cruised down a largely empty stretch of road to Stirling...feeling the opening up of my body as it found it's comfort zone...and the beautiful rhythm of the pit-pat of my shoes.

"Freedom, justice, equality.." are not easy things to achieve. There is never the "day" of freedom....or change....progress is a messy process. The running never goes as hoped or current level of ability now is not even close to where I was last summer. But the hard work comes in the attitude of constant effort; every day, a day to support ourselves, our loved ones and our good causes to blossom on into their potential...the 3 dimensional world wants to take its time; until earthquake or sudden death descends. It's then that the fragile line between spirit and physical realities blend and bleed into each other, and our hearts, as the seat of so much traffic of soul, needs love to expand.

Send your love. Into the future.

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