Sunday, May 18, 2008

Recovery week

Seems we went from cool downs to melt downs. The temps have reached into the 90's, and I noticed all the grass around the complex is brown. In fact, I realized driving home from errands yesterday that MOST of the grass is brown everywhere around. I did a 10 miler after 9AM yesterday, and came to a quick decision that running at my leisure, after sunrise, after mid-morning is now out of the question. The timing of transition is ok. I messed my leg up, so I needed more recovery. No running today. But I'm thinking of starting a new schedule, and try being up at 6AM. If I don't stay up late, I can still make 7 hours of sleep weekdays. If I really needed it, I could nap before work. (Would I need that?) I can't see any other way to make sure I am out doors running before the heat becomes a factor. And there is no way to sacrifice mileage when I need to hold the base steady.

It's discouraging that one spectacular run has cost me so dearly. I can feel those connections in that right leg and hip still tender. At the pool today, I did a lot of exercises that only the water can facilitate, giving range of motion and relaxation a try. I've been focusing inward, in an effort to find the deeper places from which my endurance must come. It's been a tough go, as the rocking world pushes waves of energy over us all. On the run, it's still a stable ride. A chance to ground into the core of the earth while I reach high into the wide, trembling sky.

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