Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On a Roll

After record heat, the temps fell to a very comfortable, lovely chill this morning, which woke me early enough to be out on the road by 7AM. It took a while to get a rhythm. Sitting in the office, sitting in group, sitting sitting sitting....by the time I get to stretch my legs out, it's a good 3-4 miles before I untwist. As I round off Arthur to head up towards Sheridan, almost mid-point on a 9-10 miler, I found a fast stride with a tune on the ipod and went up the road practically floating, my turn-over fluid, the gait nice and tight as I rounded step by breezy step up to my stop at the water fountain at Thomas. It was a fartlek I usually reserve for finishing, and not as long. After that, it was as if all the kinks had been burned off, and the fluid, easy feel of my limbs took over. The light, the sky, the air, the warm face of the sun, it all carried me over one intersection after another, until I took the last stretch home.

I've been practicing with a yoga CD by Rodney Yee for 'Core Cross Train'; he's an Iyengar yoga guy who was a professional ballet dancer. This is HARD STUFF...and I can barely keep up. But today, I could feel where it was beneficial, from the ability to carry my arms, even to the rise of my quads towards my abdomen. It's absolutely true about core strength. And it's worth training to mitigate the strain from all the sitting I must do during the week.

If I could 'package' what I did today...and roll these out like lovely strings of pearls....

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