Thursday, February 21, 2008


Google lost "part 2" of my A1A story... sucked into cyberspace after inspirational flight, and preventing a round-out of the saga. Oh well....I am 4 days out from the race, now, and have kept to the mini-tramp every day except one in an attempt to allow my hip/leg to get a break from the road. I've been trying to keep up with the unusually heavy demands at work, and as a result of everything an increased need for sleep. My appetite appears to be coming back into balance, and my overall endurance to keep up with all of this seems pretty good. I have made an agreement with myself to set the stage for regular training again, beginning next week. My goal is to find a range of mileage to keep a gentle push on, from around 25-30 mpw on up, with enough cross-training, hills and drills and occasional trips to the gym to keep from chronic injury. I know now what the ultimate it like; and can safely assume what it will take to command the effort for another marathon, down the road. Meanwhile, I want to get into a zen-like mind-set of active engagement between my body and mind. With everything in play at once, I need the consistent routine to keep my strength at it's max. And now I know, this is the key to keeping me mentally strong as well.

In group on Tuesday, my ex-marine J. began the check-in as the ranking elder, and in his self-effacing manner pulled a Ft. Lauderdale A1A marathon medal out of his pocket!
He had been training, alone, on a treadmill, 11 milers, deciding at the last minute to try the race. This young man, who has been through so much in life, and knows something about pain, endurance and despair, learned about personal triumph; he ran a 4:13:11, in his first marathon since the age of 19. I held up my half marathon medal as well, and we shared a big grin. The entire group gave its applause, but it was for him that the honors were offered. He, too, now knows- anything is possible.

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