Sunday, June 30, 2013

Expect miracles

Every once in a while I see other runners out there on the roads,  more so on Sundays when folks like me are getting their weekend runs in, the girls who make me look slow,  guys who run on grass with tall gaits, making me feel weak as I shuffle along at my turtle pace.  I have kept an insistent loyalty to my running schedule.  I get 2-3 days during the week, and both weekend days if time permits.  But I aim for the Sunday run no matter how the week went.  A present to myself;  a long lazy loop out somewhere on no time-frame.  Extensive meandering in my head....a chance to be away, and outdoors,  with nothing pressing except making it home.

I was proud of myself for getting both days in this weekend, even with the busyness.  New Asics "33s",  a nice minimal model,  gave me a surprising break from the slog in my old shoes.  Today,  as I made my way out early to take 29th up on my Griffin loop,  I could feel the relief in my feet and legs,  as the flexible platform gave me a new 'umph'...and pep in my step, at last.   Hot and humid conditions won't support that for long, though.  As I cruised through Ravenswood,  I could feel my energy flag,  and gulped down my water, laced with electrolytes.  My pit stop at Publix felt oh-so-nice as I lingered in the refreshing A/C before plunging back in to the heat.

I got so lost in my thoughts I forgot about pictures....usually I have my eye out for everything,  the skies,  the foliage,  the contrast of color and light and shadows.  But I was all the way down at the park before I realized I'd taken that whole 2nd stretch w/o a break.  But wow!  I was I headed out to finish it up through the back roads to Park.  
I spied these flowers in a soft bank by apartment buildings framed by their purple succulence in the full morning sun.  Of all the things I passed,  these caught my eye for some reason,  
...with extravagant grace.  As I stopped to photograph them,  I admired their flirtation with the wind and sun,  and how difficult it was to capture the essence of light streaming through them.  Everything that was caught in my mind, tossing about during the run suddenly seemed to lift;  in that few minutes of our communing,  it felt as if I was alone in all the world holding this great secret- such beauty,  I pass all the time,  and suddenly filled with exquisite wonder. 

It doesn't seem to matter what my subject is:  whatever is brought to my eye never fails to please the thirst in me for that intrinsic design,  the beautiful 'rightness' of the world.  People can screw it up,  and try to destroy it all,  but Gaia is much bigger and stronger than anything thrown at Her.  Even so,   the very petals of these purple gems,  like delicate wings of butterflies, also remind us- She is as fragile as our own dreams seeking fruition.

You don't have to run to open yourself to The World,  it is waiting for you to get out for your next walk,  hike, stroll through the garden, the park, the yard.  Each time I walk out the door at work, I look at the skies.  And every time I pay even a little attention to my surroundings,  Mother Earth will teach me just how incredible Life is,  through Her every vessel.   This week I  include and validate myself.  Maybe it was the new shoes,  but I had pride, and peace with myself.  I was grateful to run,  to notice.. anticipating how I might 'translate' it all for you to see it, too! 

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