Monday, June 17, 2013

Magic Egypt House and of course, a Long Run

Like many others,  I've been busier than ever!  It feels like everywhere I turn there is more...more clients,  more networking, more chores to keep up with, more sorting/packing and cleaning, and more incredible choices in my house hunt.  The photo is the backyard of what I now call Egypt house:  if you look thru those glass sliding doors you see an amazing room that will do nicely for an office/group/workshop space....and on into the house itself.  
The person who lived there was clearly 'in touch' with metaphysical themes:  there are 'relics' of wall paintings, hieroglyphs, and statuary scattered all about, inside and out.  The slightly neglected state gave me the feeling of being an anthropologist stumbling into a 'lost city'...and imagining life in a different time, a different state of mind.

Clever Celeste surprised me with the news that Egypt house was back on the market!  So as I awoke Sunday to a morning already filled with humid hotness,  all I thought was how much water and electrolytes to pack and where exactly to run?....having surrendered my house hunt to the gods.  After looping behind the neighborhood I took off on Park, blessedly empty and quiet on a Sunday morning,  the long stretch of road all mine as I settled into a gait and my thoughts.  The confluence of so many elements,  work, home, and the unending vision of my dreams all dancing in my head had me so distracted, I barely noticed where I was until I headed into beautiful John Williams park for my pit-stop.   The shade of the trees and high heat of early summer gave a muffled  oasis from the road traffic on the main drag;  I lingered and drank up, mixing with my electrolytes to keep me solid on my feet for the way home.  I looped up 56th to north Hills....and came in past the park shimmering in the waves of heated air off the lake....patting myself on the back that even with walk breaks, I managed ok. as Cel and I took our second tour of Egypt house, later in the day,  I was filled with excitement and an odd sense of deja vu'....who stocks their house with such things?!  And what was he/she doing here that all of this came to be?  The mystery of the house, and the lure of that unkempt garden waiting for a resurrection kept me wandering in and around the rooms, the nooks and crannies,  the secret spots and more statutes coming to view....the speculation of how - and when- and what I could accomplish with all this glorious stuff!!

I learned to detach somewhat from the outcome in this process,  and we saw another great contender yesterday that I would consider a very good 'back-up'....that said,  it certainly feels like The Fates are conspiring on my behalf,  and for this house,  which in other hands would be gutted and rehabbed out of all recognition.   Like many things in life,  we can't hold on too a bird fluttering in our hand, or a butterfly taking pause on a fingertip....I marvel at the sheer magic of this place and know if I just keep focus,  it will fly to me...if I just stay open- and persistent in my vision.   The Mother knows what's in my heart.  She helped us transform The Barn into a sacred space,  with little or no resources, but many helping hands....She gave me second-and third chances to reinvent my life,  paved the way through trauma and losses....put me where I would do the most good and set me on my Path.  I showed Her I was willing to make the sacrifice of 'now' for 'then'...and I pray She is finally showing me The Time is Right....and a place is ready for me to begin again.  

I believe in the magic of my dreams.   It was a dream to live in the country, be an artist- which I did.  It was a dream to find and follow my spiritual path...It was a dream to rejoin 'the marketplace' and build a career....and now my dream to create a compound which for myself and others will provide healing and respite for the soul....and a nurturing caldron for creativity to blossom from the hearts and minds of those who are 'sent' to be there.  Egypt house waits patiently for someone to 'discover' it's riches, and set it free....that someone,  I feel, is me!

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