Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Post Isaac Run, at last!

 Four days off running is as long as I've gone in a long while.  In between the shopping and preparations for Isaac, which became a somewhat minor event for us in SoFlo (unless it was your neighborhood that flooded), I managed to find some of that remarkable quiet time where 'tuning in' to the external world became a contrasting mirror to the internal.   Since I couldn't move in my usual way,  I became still.   Weather news, yes,  cooking and prepping yes.  But sans all input,  it was a loss of control from my 'fix' and a lovely break into my own space.

Today,  I ventured out for a Griffin loop,  willing my legs to go forward.  Despite mini-tramp, yoga and weights (my off-road routine),  I had stiffness that only began to lift, as usual about half-way up 35th-  trying to find that sync in my gait,  looking for the weightlessness as I lift my feet,  with surprisingly decent endurance over all.   Loose debris and standing water is everywhere.  The water birds are having a feast on bugs, and some of the younger trees did not withstand the winds (neither did my porch).

The big skies are still filled with the wheeling remnants of clouds as Isaac slowly grows stronger in the Gulf.  Seven years ago now Katrina clobbered us before devastating New Orleans area.  It is a strange 'deva ju' all over again to hear the updates from LA, while the RNC toughs it out in Tampa.
Earthquake swarms and the changes underway can create emotional and physical instability, if we lose our Connection, or a grasp of the tools which work for us.  That run today helped me reinforce my body's presence on the planet in as fundamental way I know,  in the fluid, flexible motion, to the rhythm of the tunes in my ear,  with the matrix of my mind let loose in all its Right Brain glory....taking it all in,  enjoying the scenery, and the ride.

There are times when you might wake up to a world you barely grasp, as it careens ever closer to the fundamental Shift we sense.  Think of it as your Blank Canvas, and create the day,  the experience, the dream closest to your heart.   Underneath the mantel of imposed fear,  tap the true excitement of your Self, coming ever closer to what, and Who you really are. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Manifesting my Inner Runner

While Mother Gaia blankets us with hot and humid tropical air,  and my schedule remains ramped up into high gear,  I am managing to get some miles out there,  an out and back on Saturday and a decent long Griffin loop for my Sunday long run.   The chronic 'approach/avoidance' matrix I've applied to my running routine feels like it's softening into another mode, one in which I take my Expanded Self out into that same experience-  with different results.

I noticed it most yesterday,  as I took the overpass and began my lope up 29th, and made the hook into Anglers and Ravenswood;  already the temps and humidity were a formidable force.   Even in these early miles I would come into those mysterious stretches when an inner rhythm was able to overtake me and for a fartlek or so,  the motion would take me up in the swing of my footsteps, as if I had no weight at all.   Again,  swooshing down 35th,  I set up a nice gait.  And despite all the elemental features to the morning,  dropped down onto Stirling feeling like I'd been in flight,  catching air under my arms and seeing things from a higher perspective.  

Somewhere along the way I have reconnected with the true power of my inner runner.   The alchemy of male/female energies,  or left/right brain capacities creates the vortex for moving change.   Between the manifestation of my Work and the 'training' on many levels which continues to ramp up and express itself,  the Powers that Be are grooming us all for our roles in the coming New World.

It takes integration of our opposites;  the alchemical marriage of shadow and light-  our ability to see beyond the duality of our normally limited ego to sense the higher path of this merger....as it works its way through our belief systems.  Once awakened however,  how can you go back to the same poor choices, or accept your limits ever again?   We are made to come into a beautiful union with our Selves and step out onto whatever road calls.   When the rhythm is right,  flying high is the reality that supports us as we extend our reach towards each other and the potential of our shared path.   So muster your courage today and step out where you've been hesitating.  Feel the full power of your Expanded Self take you where you dream to go, and dream big!!  The only way to find out what's out there, is to GO!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Homage to the Olympics: Sunday run 8-12-12

As I tried to shake sleep and pull dreams back from the night,  something compelled me to get the heck out of bed:  when I checked Facebook,  Marlon (thanks!!) posted that the men's marathon was starting...by the time I tuned in, they were about mile 17, and the 2 Kenyans and 1 Ugandan were in a tight bunch at the lead.   Think of the most grueling physical effort you have ever done.  Now imagine whatever that is,  doing it for a very long time or distance, full-out.   I watched as these 3 uber-runners lifted their long legs in a stride that blew those miles into dust, as they rounded in and among the many historical sites in London.  The back story is that the 3 train together (as many do) and now it was a race to see how the medals would stack up. 

Somewhere after mile 20 the Ugandan pulls out from around a corner and just puts on the speed!  Soon there is a lot of daylight between him and the 2 Kenyans who suddenly have looks on their faces like,  "uh oh"....and start pumping fast trying to catch up.  The Ugandans have never reached gold, and like many African runners,  hardship and triumph over incredible odds got this one to this point.  You could see the shift in his effort once he got within a mile or so of the finish and realized:  he had it...his expression opened and his gait, while still speedy, seemed to relax.  He came into the line and like many, running with his country's flag draped around his arms, dropped to his knees and kissed the ground.

Now that it was too late to start a longer long run,  I quickly packed my gear and headed out to John Lloyd state park.   Basing out of my favorite spot at the end of the road,  I mingled with a large group of tri-athletes just coming out of the ocean and climbing on their very nice bikes...as I began my run down the road I needed to pay attention to the knots of riders, other runners and even a few bladers- not to mention the cars coming in for the beach- for space on the narrow road.   Most everyone was young; but once in a while I'd catch a grey-head like me:  I sent a silent "thank-you" to the running gods which give me this gift to have my health, my strength to put it out there like I do, no matter my age or ability!

Lately,  despite some lag in my miles or overall endurance, I am feeling the boost from these magical stretches where suddenly it almost feels as if I am 'lifted' from gravity, as my legs move effortlessly, even if for a small stretch.  That feeling of freedom makes all the other parts of the run worhwhile....as I headed down to the gate and turned back.   The heat was full on...I did not stop this time to shoot pics:  I wanted to get back to my car and get into the water as soon as I could!

La Mer....what can I say?  I have a love affair with the ocean....as She unfolds Herself below me off the quiet cove...the sea gulls loudly hunting in the surf, the sun glints like diamonds off the water.  I walk into the swell and fall into the sweet, cool sensation...absorbing all the power of Mother Gaia to rest within,  to mingle my sorrows with Hers,  to heal my wounds- with Her- to help Her as She helps me see - and feel- the inter-connection of our metaphysical lives.

Finally, as I lay on the sand and watch the sky,   I feel the deep peace of being.   For all the effort those Olympians put into 4 years (and more) to prepare for their performances,  there is, in the end, only fallible humans who go out and lift, dance, throw, tumble and run because something in them loves that movement, that energy which catapults them forward in some way.   Their best efforts are still a remembrance of long hours on the roads, in the gym....working to perfect the signals between mind and body, and just how the body will respond.

There is an Olympian within us all.   Until you dig deep and find your ultimate limits, you have no idea how far you can push into your goals.   We are too often lazy this way,  conditioned to expect the comforts that keep us locked into small increments of change.  If there is one lesson I take from London,  it is anything IS possible....! if you work for it,  and cultivate it like it was your prized possession;  the gift that is given to us to STRIVE....is our desire to GROW.   As we grow, we find ourselves further down the road one day, looking back and wondering just how we got here!  Revel in your accomplishments!  Give yourself a 'medal' for your hard work today!!  And thank The Mother who supports you, loves you,  nourishes you....remember HOW and WHY we do what we do; never just for ourselves.  We elevate everyone and every thing.  She will remember. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Through the Lion's Gate, a gentle run

If vibratory forces are the factor behind how we perceive the world (and ourselves),  the gist of the 8:8 portal appears to be in place.   As I stepped out the door,  this is the sky I see....despite the high temps,  the air has a feeling of lightness (as in weight) and Light-ness as in a crystalline quality that shines like diamonds.  I began an out and back loop aware that my body seemed mired in a gravitational muck that belied this beautiful clarity, and after a bit of a 'humfph!' I got over myself, tuned into some good music and relaxed into a slow gait.  My legs would not obey my desire to go any faster than what probably looked like a fast walk, I could barely pick up my feet.  All the while I was drawn into the skies, the sunlight, as if everything had a new shimmer to it- the cat crossing the road,  the palms at the walkways....nothing seemed as if was, and yet it was all the same.
Once I hit my water-stop,  I meandered towards hiome,  and slipped into the back alleys where I could spy out the beautiful mess of the backyards and their curious array of all things natural and human.   Once again,  stopped in my tracks with the beauty of a bougainvillea climbing all the way up a telephone pole, awash in morning light!  I have walked this alley many times;  it was as if I had never seen this before!
Mother Nature is changing and we are in transformation with Her,  for Her,  and our perception of Her is the affirmation of Her connection to and within us.   With every moment of being in the external Garden acknowledged, the immense internal landscape of our bodies resonates....and spins a little faster in delight! What sings to us is the deep instinct that beauty is our natural expression, which seeks to find itself mirrored in the world-  if we would only look.  And see.

Today,  as you scurry through your timetable of obligations and practices,  of work and home,  take a minute to look around you and SEE ....  Mother Gaia wants to show you who She really is,  as if looking in the mirror at the REAL YOU.   We hold the key.  We can open the door. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Rainbow Run

As I geared up for my Sunday long run,  I let the morning take me up the overpass and turn up 29th to begin a long Griffin loop.   I wasn't sure I had a beach run in me and craved some empty streets.   The pace was nice and comfortable as I keep working more jams out of my right foot.  I cruised up Anglers and into Ravenswood feeling the heat, the humidity and slowing now and then just to adjust.
The sun and breezes were at my back as I wound up to my pit stop at Publix and filled my water bottles.

Just as I had headed out and made the turn on the cut-down to Stirling,  the skies opened up with a quick summer squall,   quickly chilling the air and drenching me....the squish of my shoes in puddles...drips off my visor....I turned the corner to see the rainbow (above) and stopped just to watch the magnificent bridge of colors breathe over the skyline....!

The rest of the run caught me in intermittent stages of sun, rain and the slow slog home thoroughly soaked.   I laughed to myself at the unexpected, and watching my own resistance to change.  All we want is a smooth way, no storms thank-you,  and resent when things 'pop' at us unexpectedly.  That rainbow was a Gift;  as much a message from The Powers that Be as anything written on paper, or said in the news.   What I 'saw' and 'heard' was a reminder that nothing is static and especially now, in these times of enormous change, we must be fluid and adaptable, able to keep moving even when the skies open up on us.   The unexpected may come in a form you least expect, with colors of the rainbow flowing around you, in the banners of expectation,  love and light!   May we all be open to receive what our Mother Gaia has to give,  and give to Her our appreciation, always!