Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Mother is All

While the stormy season continues into September, and the mornings are overcast, sometimes rainy, definitely a bit cooler, I continue Project Adaptation coming off being sick and picking up my running groove again.  At work the other day, as I jaunt up and down our long hallways, I felt an interesting shift in my right hip/leg socket...the very place where I've been jammed up my entire running career.  As I took a right turn, it almost felt like tumblers in a lock- and I knew immediately that whatever had been stuck, suddenly got unstuck.  The feeling was immediate;  where I had limited range of motion on my right side and a chronic "hitch" in my hip and flexors, relief was sudden.  Cautiously hopeful that this might be the breakthrough I needed,  and after a no run day yesterday, I headed out on a longer Griffin loop just keeping my fingers crossed...maybe this is my opening at last.

It wasn't apparent until I took my first water break, and headed west to catch 56th and the road north.  Where I would labor, my legs found a smooth swing.  When I would usually flag in a muddled, painful pause, walking out the soreness,  I found the fatigue but not the pain- an experience of utter freedom - and the ability to sustain a stretch from Emerald Hills to my Publix pit one fell swoop.   Is it diet? supplements?  keeping my yoga routine up??  Or just the ongoing refinement of the Celestial vibes which, along with everything else, are clearing the debris from our fullest function?

We tend to polarize existence, from good and bad,  up and down, inner/outer and all sorts of dualities.  We've separated ourselves from the Process of our own lives in pursuit of goals;  materialistic or spiritual.  Goals got me where I am today.  At the same time,  the art of non-doing, of immersing myself in the process of the run, is what I always wanted.  The sheer joy of 'lifting off' into my shared space with Mother Nature, while moving in and through Her, soaking up every good vibe She has to offer;  this is bliss to the Long Distance Runner within. 

I seem to be reminded by all kinds of sources that The Mother is All.  Our ancient ancestors, and the medicine folk (still) know that behind the many faces of existence lies the Source of all Life.  We may struggle to be:  the better runner,  spiritual guide, partner, mother, worker etc.  And our humanity seems to urge us on to 'higher ground'.  But ultimately we are Held in the Good Hands of She who has birthed it all and continues to Mother us through our ongoing emergence into our New Selves.   It is time to Allow, and to Manifest Her willing support. 

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