Thursday, September 8, 2011

Here- to There

Sometimes the pace at work is exhilarating, other times simply exhausting!  When I prepare to be away there are tons of things to do, and the last 2 days it felt non-stop.  The capacity to focus in and find my 'rhythm' is a skill I borrow from running;  once begun, I'm in it to the end, and I don't like to stop for long, just keep going, going ...

I wanted to give myself a full loop this morning to help ensure a settling of my nerves and an honest exhaustion to help snooze on the flight later, if possible.   I was up and out earlier than usual, pre-dawn.  I felt like the only person out on earth; even the traffic was light as I crossed over by the park and headed out my usual route.  The coolish feel to the air was like a fresh push, helping me wake and swing into my warm-up walk.  I packed the Ghosts for the trip so I took out the old Launches, amazed at how wonderful they felt!  With a spring in my step I rounded the corner where I begin to run and felt like I could fly right off into the sky....

Amazingly,  I took the entire stretch from there to my Publix pit-stop in one fell swoop.  I had enough adrenalin to push past my usual lazy stride and settled into something that felt like a real run.  Everything was relaxed, and something about this early hour brought me closer to the passion I feel being out in Nature-  She calls to me, and I forget how Her times of transition are often the most Magical of all.

I hope the weather allows me to run the trail I love out the hotel...and take advantage of the hilly VA terrain to keep my endurance up.   There will be plenty of time of share the wealth of family and love, surrounding our little Claire in the circle of her first year!  I'm glad to represent faithfully the Self I am into this new experience, from Here- to There. 

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