Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Runs Along

Back to working 6 days a week leaves little wiggle room;  the chores still need to get done, the bills paid, and training, that elusive monster who seeks to drive me towards running goals, occasionally shouts loud enough for me to contemplate how I put my miles together.  While Spring opens up the possibilities, on Her wild wings of blustery breezes and milder temps,  my body seems perpetually caught between my physical obligations in counseling, essentially paired down movement, sitting, and my quest for motion in running. 

I noticed more on yesterday and today's run the 'pretzel' phenomenon, or how the kinks, aches and pains can become cemented after a long stretch of sitting... I take all this out on the road and expect the miraculous- won't my stride be painless, effortless?  Can the simple cadence of foot strikes rhythmic like acupressure bring healing comfort to all those stuck places?   I was far away in my mind today, in what for me is the dissociative strategy in running,  the gentle defocusing of awareness from whatever my body is doing, to the mystic inner reaches in my head, the meanderings that allow me to direct my mind back to dreamlike potentials, to feel how anything is possible if I can see it, feel it there.

This curious conflict between quirky physicality and the dream-mind poses new experiences and possibilities;  what can I learn from this that might bring a more harmonious collaboration?  I am certainly taking the runs more one by one.  I head out and decide as I warm up, which way, how much and how hard to take it; I have more rest days than before, and I sleep as much as I can!

There is no doubt in my mind that the Pressures of Change are such that no matter how masterful you may think you are about your healing or health status, it will take another level of understanding to accept the challenges of these times.   We think aspects like environmental toxins or even Cosmic vibrations are 'subtle' in nature, and yet, it is the stuff of such subtleties that comprise real challenges in maintaining our wellness.  Both within and without, you are a Work in Progress seeking the next Breakthrough.  All this elemental force coalesces in the Cauldron of your Soul.  And as each piece is another voice in the matrix, we seek to listen, adjust and transform.

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