Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend with Nature, and a run

The reconnection with CeeCee and Mother Nature had an empowering and healing impact on me, as we immersed ourselves in the magic of Fairchild gardens and John Lloyd beach.   The hot clear stretch prior to her visit was broken by the tip of the tail of that intense northern storm, which brought us much needed rain relief from our drought.  Storming at Fairchild, and again yesterday, after the beach....a wonderful window to catch the ocean, and a run from end to end at John Lloyd.

I typically head out by 7:30ish;  yesterday I was gearing up about 11:30, and the sun was full on.  It's been a long time since I attempted any hot weather running.   Predictably, I underestimated the need for fluid and the intensity of heat radiating off the pavement.   The stretch from our end lot all the way in to the front gate went well....I blocked out the heat until I stopped, and did the turn around back, realizing that I had a very challenging stretch with half a bottle of water.  Still, the heat had a soothing effect, as I felt it penetrate shoulders, arms, and gave me full on light to see the beauty of the landscape- no soft dawn here!

I love John Lloyd and its corridor of grape, brush, and then the looming presence of the huge cruise ships, all lined up and ready to slide out to sea...the little switchbacks, the feeling of being a part from the bustling world, the runner's dream of stretches of open road and no pressure to do anything but place a foot in front of the other...and all to the wonderful roll of music, lifting me, encompassing me...carrying me however far I want to go.

It was an extraordinary weekend, full of the magic of old friends and only the sort of sharing that the shorthand of our shared Path expresses....a little ritual, art, lots of music, good food...and of course comparing notes on it All....the Mystery as it unfolds for both of us, all of us, in our lives.

So to all those who are 'en route' to your next destination, whether you know where/what it is or not,  I would say if you feel what I feel when caught up in the pleasure of that rhythm in the long stretch of open road, the buoyancy of your own excitement, roll with it....and take the heat, the presence of deep Nature with you.  See what surprises might come your way.

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