Thursday, February 24, 2011

Once Imagined Grows Real

This piece, done so many years ago now (20?) is still on unofficial display in a gallery in Harrisonburg, VA.   Shout out to Mike Kelly who did the photography on this and some of my other work at the time.
I am continually amazed at how my previous 'incarnation' as a wood sculptor gave me the important skills I continue to use now in my current one:   the ability to 'see' into the inherent patterns of individuals and help 'shape' the potential true self who lives within.

If you think of wood as an unforgiving medium, you are so wrong.   There is no material on earth which gives so much to the artist.   All the patience and time I put into my pieces has paid off Big Time in terms of how I do my counseling work, as well as my own tranformative process.  Never one who was called "patient",  I have learned patience.   I know it is always just a matter of time (not mine) before the process is evident- in the finished piece, in the response from viewers, in the client's ability to manifest positive change and feel for themselves the results.   I have only to look at myself for my own best example.   As I morph from chapter to chapter, the Essential Me smiles and looks on my daily work with keen appreciation.  We know, don't we, that there is this Flame of Passion which seeks to find its Expression in the many worlds we inhabit.  As for this one,  I am more content than ever to recognize that just beyond my own comprehension, A LOT is going on!  Strong winds are blowing- hang tight and see where Change takes you! 

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