Capturing the run today, after a slammed week- 5 days at the regular work gig, and now the 6th day at Pines. Yesterday I saw 5 clients/families back to back, listening, engaging, finding more room in the infinite mental vault for more back-stories, emotional/defense patterns, family systems...the enormous minutiae of the counseling profession. It takes tremendous presence of mind to juggle what is now 40-50 clients all together; is it any wonder I continue to use running as my place to unravel the mental apparatus, and give myself a Right Brain break?
Today, the weather was unusually moderate; after a coolish spell where the night temps dropped into the 60's, it is back to small modulations, meaning now the nights are 70's, and starting out today I was warm in my summer gear. I decided to take it one part at a time, and after heading out Emerald Hills, took the southern route over to John Williams as the main pit stop. The 2 day break (a regular thing now that Saturdays are booked) seems to give me a necessary recovery period, and one I probably wouldn't give myself otherwise. I notice less chronic aches and pains, even if my endurance is down.
I had several nice stretches up to JW, then down to hit W Park and make my way home. On the way I realized I am ready to accept that this is NOT looking to be the year I'll do Miami. Instead, it looks like a far wiser plan to sustain moderate, regular miles, allow my body to continue to adjust to all it's various and sundry mid-life, elder physical adjustments, and give myself the run as the RB break it needs to be.
As long as there are so many other professional 'pushes' in my life, and with Mom and the condo project still ongoing, the need for attention to the down/rest side of my life is paramount. I've had 15 years of pushing towards many Big Goals which took all my time and attention. The time hasn't decreased, but now the goals are shifting once more. The stress of training can be one more 'thing'...and most of all I need running to be my Refuge.
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