Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A modest few loops at the park, with plenty of walking was nothing to brag about, unless you count just getting out the door. It's time to decide about Miami in Jan. '11. It was 2008 and my first full marathon last time I was there. Miami marathon is one of the BEST ever, since January here in So Flo is a dream compared to the rest of the country, and the course itself winds through every best bit of the area, including Miami beach, Coconut Grove etc etc. Running bud Cheryl checked in with the suggestion to run the half. Doable...?? Either one?? With all the 'maintenance' lately and not much in the way of real training, is it realistic to begin the shift into a consistent plan?? Do I have the umph, the time, the motivation??

The heat is on. Pressure builds keeping all of us focused on more survival than usual, with weather, financial and global changes bouncing around like jugglers balls we can hardly keep in the air. The benefit of marathon training is the whole-hearted attention it takes which acts as a natural deflection of concerns about too much of anything else! Trouble is, have I found myself in a chapter of my life when such focus is not good timing now?

I am trying to fall back in love with many things, including running. Pressure does not help my cause...yet, the goal and its accomplishment is a sure way to up the ante and interest. Goals are good things if they act as catalysts to fling you further into your future. I might try some, now that the BIG ones are in the bag...

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