The skies were threatening rain this morning, and the winds were whipping through the trees as I decided to take my AM run to the park. My thought is better to be caught in bad weather where I can duck into shelter than out on the open road where I'm at the mercy of Nature. So loop 1, getting my legs to move. Loop 2, feeling a bit more comfortable, want to quit while I'm ahead. But in order to get 6 miles it took one more loop. By now running into the head winds was exhausting, but exhilarating...I love the intensity of the weather. It somehow echoes the intensity in my head and feels as if the atmosphere is resonating with me. That we are forces which meld into one body, and as I run, to become the movement of air, legs, feet in some semblance of rhythm. It was probably awkward, at least it felt like it was. But at the end, I'm glad I did it. Wearing myself out physically is a means of clearing the circuits for work. And lately I need every advantage to handle what County dishes out.
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