Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Carrying the Moment


The chilly temps are not done with us yet; while the north gets a winter blast, the cold front creeps far south into our territory, turning this morning's run into a gauntlet run into the cold winds. I dressed right, however, so except for my ears, I was comfortable. By the time I made the turn to come back down Thomas, I was feeling relaxed; the wind was at my back coming home and I found some great Ziggy tunes that matched my pace. I found more strength and mobility as I kept going. The last half was definitely more comfortable than the first, and altogether I'd estimate it was a solid 6+ miler.

I felt heavy hearted until I focused on the rainbow image from a Ziggy song, and imagined my chakras fluttering like a rainbow flag in the winds. I envisioned the rhythmn of my steps and the pace of the motion churning those circles of color around and around until they took on a life of their own; waving my colors to the sky.

I carry the moment of coming into the line, at the race. When pushed to it, I can find the extra resources I need to keep going. I carry the knowing of it, and despite the temporary hijack by pain, disappointment or loss, I feel the surge of extra energy from unseen sources. I must remember where it begins. Only then can I ever get anywhere.

1 comment:

William M. Irwin said...

I think that it is hilarious that you had a half-marathon where you live in southern Florida on the same weekend that we had one in Gainesville. These long-distance races don't come around that often. You would think that the organizers of these events would consult with each other and space them on the calendar so that runners could arrange their schedules to participate in both of them!