Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting it Back Together

The aches and pains of race recovery continue as I head out this morning for a windy but relatively temperate morning run. The extra yoga has been good; I feel relatively strong throughout my core and arms. My calves, achilles tendons and feet are sore....and getting the pace back for speed is a was a solid 7 miler, up and around the Emerald Hills loop and mostly into a strong headwind. The usual euphoria which kicks in towards the last miles was elusive, but just being in the winds, on an open road is bliss in and of itself.

It doesn't always have to be ultimate salvation to be a good run. The week has taxed my resources to stay on top of countless client crises, but each day I put the work to bed on the heals of prayers for the Wheels of Change to be merciful, compassionate for all. Including me. And every run I finish strong is another affirmation that my body-mind-spirit will pull me through again.

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