Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Running the winds

As T.S. Noel tumbles through the caribbean, the winds have begun to gust in crashes of air that ebb and flow like waves on water. It looks like we are not in a direct path, but the outer bands of the system are brushing by us, and today's run was an exercise in wind in my face, wind at my back phenomenon. I fully expected less energy and stamina after 2 back to back long runs this past weekend. Fighting the winds of any sort takes so much more strength, but surprisingly the resistance gave me something to lean into, and the rhythm of my steps found the timing of the air currents as if we entrained in a musical improv. I hit the stretch down Arthur with wind at my back and was able to effortlessly focus on gait, posture and core. I flew up and over the road, or so it seemed. Once I rounded back for the stretch home, it was wind in my face, and I leaned into the pressure allowing my legs to turn in a steady cadence, my feet pounding like drum beats I could feel from my heels to the top of my head.

I felt amazingly strong when I finished. The great rushes of wind were swirling all around me as I came into the parking lot. The one thought that kept reverbering was how consistency pays off, no matter what the conditions. The circumstances may change, and factors shift and shuffle, but its always one foot in front of the other. When the timing is right, its not running anymore, its flying.

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