Monday, May 21, 2007


What factors cause changes in performance, attitude and approach? And how much to you fight through it all to force strict adherance to your training intentions? Saturday's 9-10 miler was rudely interrupted by a thunderstorm midway, as I rounded the middle stretch by the Seminole reservation. Luckily, the rain never got too hard, but the winds picked up and it blew really cold, so that last half was a miserable and tough affair. Sunday, I just didn't have it in me for anything...and much as I felt 'obligated' to get out there, I finally took a pass. I had to get over my guilt which was out of proportion to the finally, by afternoon's end, it was put up my feet and enjoy my well-deserved rest of the day slug-fest.

Today it was back to 7. And I felt like crap the entire way. So apparently my body is trying to adapt to 2 weeks of 40ish...a big leap up the mileage ladder for me. Is it time to regroup, and let this mind/body of mine catch up?? We run and run, pushing ourselves towards ephemeral goals that mean something only to us... and yet at some point the rest of us needs to be on board, or else the disconnect will stop us in our tracks. The fractures in my heart must not translate into any breaks in stride or bones or spirit....this is the only thing that I have some control over and which no one can tamper with; this is my sacred, if moving, space.

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