Monday, March 3, 2014

On the New March

All the facets of our lives are 'showing up.'  The more truth/light is shed on things, (into?) the more of whatever we have not faced emerges.  This is true for healing on the individual level,  group level and of course, multinationally as we are seeing in mainstream news.  We prayed for this, folks.  In our tumultuous course of change,  let's not forget that we, ourselves, asked for the 'revolution', and heard a Call to Mend the Golden Hoop as Mello said.   The Hoop is us.  And only we can recognize the problem and address it.

I ran both Saturday and Sunday,  up on the Griffin loop.  After seeing clients on Saturday and making my way through the landmines (land-minds) of the week at work,  I needed to reconnect with the roads.  My body protested through every bit of the first 2-3 miles until I rounded out onto Ravenswood and felt my gait open up on the long stretch to Park.  When I woke on Sunday,  clear skies greeted me with a warming sun carried on cool winds.  The Saturday run woke up the muscles for Sunday.   I was tired but loose as I started out up 29th. 

I followed my inner prompt for something challenging enough to work out the usual aches and pains,  heading on after my pit-stop down 35th and once again finding a pace to open up,  relax my arms, and get my head out of my anxieties and into the rhythm.  Sometimes it is just when I hit the middle of a particularly tough stretch that I find the groove, physical and mental, that ends the endless inner conversation, and pulls me completely into my body.  Mental chatter gone,  the rush of air, the warmth of the morning sun and the sights of landscape came fully to me:
and opened up to me like packages of miraculous delight.  I walked the last mile or so,  but my head was on straight,  I hummed with the tunes....and my body had the good feeling of a solid workout.

What I'm going through lately,  like everyone else,  is a ramping up towards Spring Equinox and whatever 'surprises' or changes the fates have in store for Planet Earth.  Each of us, it seems, responds to our higher Calling as the imperative to plant new dream seeds,  and set out on the New March towards our changes, is acknowledged.

Mello used this phrase often in 1990.  We ARE on the New March,  not just the month of March, which is itself a 'new' kind of turning point in our history/herstory,  but 'marching' together in our unified field of spiritual evolving....awake- or half-aware- of the demands these changes ask of us.

If you are feeling 'victimized' by these pressures,  I invite you into Mother Nature's arms:  get into YOUR right mind with HER and allow the gentle comfort of every natural element connect with your deepest mind,  instructing,  comforting, loving the physical creature you are feeling your way into this New World emerging.  Then get honest with who you are.  We cannot plant the new seeds in old earth which has not been turned, fed, prepared.  YOU are the fertile ground from which YOUR dreams will spring!  WE are on this New March together,  collecting all the elements that go with us on our next journey, and leaving behind the anger, blame and self-condemnation for 'past failures.'  When we realize Gaia uses ALL of us, even the 'bad' parts in our Cosmic Compost,  maybe we can relax a bit, get into the groove, the rhythm, and let our Highest Instincts takes us where we need to be.  It may be hard at first, but we have held these dream seeds all along, deep in our hearts.  They are part of a Good Future that was already born,  looking for us NOW. 

We are on the New March. 

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