Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Gods/Goddesses Speak

(written 1-30-14)
Catching up  to my Self and Cosmic unfoldings;  M flares, plate movements, amazing weather extremes...uncovering the ancient histories, the real truth of how we were all duped, complicit, into, and emerging from the Matrix.

Meanwhile, shifting through the portal of personal changes.  I honor the Teachers I am leaving behind, while I step into the Golden Rays of opportunity for becoming who I am meant to be, and the amazing culmination/continuation of all my experiences,  all the diverse skills, under a new moniker "The Communicator."  Watching the back stories, agendas, subconscious scripts, vulnerabilities, disabilities, eruptions, redemption, possibilities....It's just another big 'ol stump of beautiful wood, an ancient tree, poking through the riverbed.  Embedded within hides a new potential, the shape, the form seeking it's expression (wood carving days.....).  And I 'know' the way in to reveal it.  I know how to 'see' what that emerging/organizing pattern(s) are. 
Often I actually DO blank out the 3D world and SEE these torus-like patterns;  and when my focus is really sharp it is very clear.  This is the case with my clients, and to my great relief it appears to be the case on the new job as well.  A powerful, intuitive tool which enables me to connect to the inner 'structure,' the 'flow' and help shape it to help reveal the inherent (beautiful) outcome. (Remembering 'beauty' is beyond our judgment- beauty is the 'necessity' of the material world...)

Personally I want and prefer to believe that my own Self is inherently capable,  just like all  else, of organizing itself.  After all, I am ALL/ALL is me.  However,  as Self asks for my cooperation,  then I am compelled,  in day-to-day life,  to do all I can to enhance it's efforts!  What else?!  Why would I want to hinder the expression of a 'Highest/Best' outcome,  a Win/Win?  And yet I see people do this all the time, and I am called upon to help them AUGMENT, not sabotage,  their own inherent healing/growing/becoming/blossoming process.

I have the skills now.  THIS (whatever 'THIS' is),  is a 'special assignment.'  And this mission,  which I decided to accept with Mello and the Sun Temple but really accepted many years before that, is about finding the way in to reveal and support  the inherent organizing patterns, the Growth seeking HIGHEST/best the very midst of The System,  and bust it wide open....(grin).
(written 2-1-14)
When I finished out the work week yesterday, and my first month on the new job,  the weather was kind enough to clear out and give me a gorgeous sunset to follow westward as I looped out and back, and a great excuse to capture the whole visual experience in pix.  In fact,  after 3 or 4 miles done,  my initial 'umph' petered out, so I walked most of the way back turning constantly to catch the next shot, as I headed east.  I felt the 'trance state' that is my 'surrender' into Mother Nature's artistic expressions....I 'insert' myself;  I 'see' those patterns and colors weaving and morphing through their sequence from daylight to evening.  I forgot about running...I was moving through the descent of darkness and the mystery of Night.

I see it as Power,  as Passage.  I was near tears over many aspects of what we are all going through.  And they were not just tears of sadness;  after all leave-taking, even from our old Selves, or what we hold dear, is never easy.  I caught too the ecstasy,  the bliss of feeling ONE with what I saw and where I was,  moving steadily through my run/walk and the electric air, through the fading light.  Suddenly I was not anything BUT this beauty. 

 This is the gift ART has given me in my life.  Mother Nature schooled me.  I am still and always Her devoted local representative.  And on this, another bench mark day (Imbolc), I give homage to Her Wisdom.  I am grateful beyond all measure to hold a piece of the Puzzle in my own two hands. 

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